Barton Lawyer
Meet Your NACCU Volunteers: Barton Lawyer
This is the latest installment of the NACCU series highlighting our association volunteers. NACCU provides programs and services to our members, many which would not be possible without the dedication and commitment of our volunteer leaders. Volunteers, whether they are a committee member, a Board member, or an onsite volunteer at a conference, are all important in making NACCU volunteer-driven programs an exceptional experience for our card industry peers.
Campus Card Information:
Name: Barton Lawyer
School: Duke University, Durham, NC
Professional Role: Assistant Director, Office of Information Technology
Volunteer Role: Member, Technology Research Committee
What is your role at your institution?
I am an Assistant Director at Duke University, Office of Information Technology. I have over 24 years of IT experience ranging from Systems Administration, Database Administration, IT Security, Video Surveillance, Campus Card, and Full-Time meeting goer. As a member of the Enterprise Systems and Support team, responsibilities include technologies that support the campus card transaction system, all POS (Point of Sale) systems used within University, PCI Compliances, Physical Security and Access Control, and Video Surveillance. The team also works closely with Auxiliary Services, Duke Police, Athletics, and Recreation Centers to support their business IT operations.
Where was the first NACCU conference you attended?
The first NACCU conference I attended was back in 2001 when it was held in Nashville, TN at the Opryland Hotel.
What is your favo(u)rite thing about volunteering with your NACCU committee?
I haven’t gotten the free T-Shirt yet, but I do get to talk often to other technology leaders who have the same passion for the card industry that I do. It helps me stay on top of the industry trends and makes the task at hand much easier. Just don’t make me write anything down as my true spelling style comes out.
What show are you binge-watching right now?
I am not really a binge-watcher of regular TV. I prefer ESPN on all day long, even if that means watching professional bowling.
What is your go-to coffee / tea order?
What is this tea that you speak of? Sign me up for hot, black, caffeinated coffee please…and keep the pot flowing.
What is your favo(u)rite memory from your own student days?
I’m not sure I can really mention my favorite moments; but I did manage to get a job as a floor residential assistant (we called them CA’s) while I was on probation with our housing department. Who better to know the campus judicial process then me?
What is one thing that would surprise people about you?
Let’s just say if I had a chance to do it all over again, I would have been a musician. There is nothing like music to calm you down, or a killer stereo/turntable to take the edge off… but playing in an orchestra is something I truly miss.
What is your most memorable Valentine's Day story?
The most memorable one is the one you miss. That wasn’t pretty. Let’s just say I haven’t missed one yet with my wife.